In our „Citizens for Energy” watchdog project financed by Partnership for Transparency Fund (PTF) we prepared the first independent assessment of the Romanian energy regulator (ANRE). The assessment is based on a World Bank methodology and identifies issues of regulatory governance and regulatory substance, and the impact of regulations on the regulated sectors (electricity and gas). The methodology (adapted to Romanian circumstances) and the report have been peer reviewed by 5 experts, Romanian and international, with expertise in energy, competition and consumer protection. The results of the evaluation can be found in our Detailed Report.
The project concept won an award at the international competition Global Integrity Impact Challenge 2009. A new assessment will be made in January 2011, when we will examine to what extent our recommendations have been implemented.
In addition, we are dealing with a crisis now: ANRE lost its budgetary independence last year, under a Government’s attempt to control the budget deficit and media scandals concerning ANRE’s issues of bad governance (nepotism, shareholding in regulated companies etc.). The European Commission threatens us with an infringement. What to do? Based on our assessment, we propose a win-win solution: the Government gives back ANRE its financing under clear, enforceable commitments from ANRE to improve its accountability, transparency, predictability and regulatory quality.
Autor(i): Ana Otilia Nutu
Afiliere: Societatea Academica din Romania (SAR)
Tip lucrare: Analiza de politici publice, Policy Brief
Keywords: energie
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